Monday, 24 September 2012

Registry Office BDM search $1

Check your guesses for free but pay $1 to confirm your accuracy.

Registry of Births, Deaths, Marriages Historical Index Search
The Historical Index provides information about the following:
- births in Victoria from 1853 to 1911
- marriages in Victoria from 1853 to 1942
- deaths in Victoria from 1853 to 1985
- church baptisms, marriages and burials in Victoria from 1836 to 1853

1. Simple Search: $0.99c per successful search. 
You can obtain the very basic details of certificates for $0.99c per search 
(I have had no trouble paying by credit card online with this organisation)
You are not charged for the searching - only if the search yields a result. In this way I can check if my data is correct eg. From my list of Sykes names which ones were the children born to William and Mary Sykes? 
I plan ahead to make sure that the search only gives the information that I am actually needing.

Advice received from the Victorian Registry Office:
With regard to your searching technique, if you enter too much information into the search criteria screen, you may be excluding all results (unless every name and date exactly matches what is recorded on the index). "Less is more" when entering information into the search criteria screen.

2. Complete Birth Death Marriage Certificates require payment. 
See the details on the Victorian Registry Office website. 

Hint about original certificates.
Birth and Marriage certificates are more reliable than death certificates. This is because in some cases, remaining living family members (children, nieces, nephews cousins etc) may not have known much about the life of the deceased - the mother’s second name, the father’s birth place etc.

Hoping that this information will be of help to you.

Mt Evelyn History Group webpage -